Siege in Fog | 迷雾围城

Siege in Fog Chapter 12.3

Announcement April 2018

Hello there, readers! With kind permission from Tranzgeek, I will be moving those chapters that I’ve translated over to my own blog. The chapters will follow the new chaptering so do expect some changes in terms of the chapter numbers (as talked about previously). To simplify the process, links here will point to the Contents Page at my blog.

Thank you for your likes, comments and support all this time and do drop by hiding in plain sight if you have time!

12 (translator and editor)

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23 thoughts on “Siege in Fog Chapter 12.3”

  1. 12 thank you for this amazing chapter! At this point I’m just confused with YLK. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he suddenly announced that he would be taking Min Hongyu as his concubine. I honestly pity QS. This story constantly changes my mind on who to side on, originally I hated QS for not appreciating YLK enough, and now I’m hating on YLK for even having such affairs with Min! Thank you once again for your hardwork 12!!


    1. That’s why I love the way this story is written! There’s always a surprise when it comes to the characters and their motivations. I think also it would be good to keep in mind that he’s not a “good” man in the conventional sense and expecting him to have heroic qualities is somewhat misplaced. He’s manipulative and deadly. The question is whether he does love his wife and if his love for his wife can be judged as outweighing his nature. My two cents’ 😬 …


  2. Thank you so much 12 for your hard work and your amazing translation ….
    I always look for the parts and wait impatiently ….
    I became addicted to this novel ….
    Thank you again
    Good luck to you

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the update. Really appreciate it. I like Yi Lian Kai. As you mentioned: He may be the male protagonist, but he is no hero. It’s really refreshing, if you don’t expect him to someday “come to his senses” and regret everything. I always thought those chaebol (rich, young, handsome, spoiled) made an unrealistic twist, just because of a girl.


    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Saddy 😊 Haha! They say sex sells but so too does fairytale romance by the looks of it 😜 Chapter 13 will reveal more so stay tuned!


  4. Thank you 12 for this chapter!

    -In life you can choose the easy past and the difficult path but if you choose the easy one you will feel miserable in the end in the other hand if you choose the hard path by your will or by force and go through him until the end then you will not have a regret


      1. I think Liankai was just using Murong Feng as an example. His point was that Qin Sang doesn’t know anything about Yao Yuping’s young man but is already promoting the match. He thinks it’s more likely that Yuping is being taken advantage of so he’s making Qin Sang aware of the possibility.


  5. Oh mah gawd…that was the freaking cutest chapter eva! I love the interaction and the suspense of it all. So sexy, I can’t even…totally having the feels for this chapter!!!! Thanks for such a beautiful update…swoons


  6. Thanks dear for this chapter ;).
    Is it hurt or jealousy QS felt toward YLK and MHY relationship? Just when their relationship is getting sweet, then they got fight again. I am not a fan of too much lovey dovey couple, but some cute interaction with less fighting is very much welcome hehehee.


    1. Haha, yellowie! I know what you mean! That’s why the author’s fans call her ‘Stepmother’ — she loves jerking her pairings around. Even the drama trailers sell it as a ‘cruel love story’.
      Sounds like jealousy to me, I dunno about others. Also hurt at finding out he had bluffed her although I don’t see what else he could have told her really. She wouldn’t have liked the truth regardless of how it was revealed. The lie kept her happy until Yuping gave the game away.


  7. 12, thank youuuuuu! ❤
    I don’t get Qin Sang’s point clearly: it was not Yi Lian Kai’s idea to invite Min Hong Yu to this party, neither he did intentionally put her into that situation, otherwise he saved her, although it was late. Nevertheless, Qin Sang is acting as it was all his fault. Of course, his fault could be the fact he cheated on her, but it seems that his relationship with Min Hong You is in past.

    p.s. also, YLK did not even try to explain the whole situation to QS and left home as he usually did in the past. Frustrating…


    1. Hiya Esme 💛! Exactly! It’s just my reading but I think the confusion stems from her character — she’s the type who doesn’t want to admit her feelings. Very much like Liankai in this respect. 😌 So she was actually touched by his gesture because it implies he cares for her to that extent at least. Then she finds out it was Min Hongyu and she’s jealous. Her pride is also wounded (busybodies gossiping about her).
      Given Liankai’s temper, upbringing and his being a product of his times, I don’t think the thought of explaining himself crosses his mind. 🤔 He probably guessed why she was angry but it would be a loss of face to explain to her after she just told him to get lost.


      1. And the door scene can also be translated in a nother way like QS closed her heart to him even he is knocking ♥♥


  8. QS acts like she doesn’t like him but gets angry if he give his affections to HMY too. Qs is so bipolar lol. I don’t blame YLK if he likes someone else she has been pretty cold to him and would ignore him despite him being nice to her at times. She is so against him and the marriage she never act like his real wife around him. I could see why that would be frustrating after 2 years. I doubt YLK will make HMY his “official” concubine I think he is keeping her around for another reason besides a mistress. YLK is smart he doesn’t do things too recklessly without good reasons. Can’t wait for the drama hopefully it gets translated for us English speaking fans.


    1. Thanks for commenting here, Under The Moon! Yeah, previous chapters mention that she made her own bed pretty early on in the marriage but is complaining about having to lie in it now. Like I said before, no character is blameless in this story but that’s why it’s so interesting and frustrating at times (for me at least).
      Fingers crossed that it will be aired without any problems!


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