Siege in Fog | 迷雾围城

Siege in Fog Chapter 12.1

Announcement April 2018

Hello there, readers! With kind permission from Tranzgeek, I will be moving those chapters that I’ve translated over to my own blog. The chapters will follow the new chaptering so do expect some changes in terms of the chapter numbers (as talked about previously). To simplify the process, links here will point to the Contents Page at my blog.

Thank you for your likes, comments and support all this time and do drop by hiding in plain sight if you have time!

12 (translator and editor)

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13 thoughts on “Siege in Fog Chapter 12.1”

  1. Yes finally QS got a friend in Yuping. I was kinda hoping she would get one. Its rather sad to see her only conversing with YLK’s confidants and her servants. Especially after what happed at that Yi residence, she deserves to have a friend.


  2. Thank you 12 and
    Such a cute and lovely chapter: there is no blood no guns no conspiracy no slapping or stabing in the back just an iddlle chit chat between two maidens I am so happy for her to make a friend now she will maybe became more happy i can still enjoy this chapter in a rose garden with tea and pasteries but i beleive the next one will be steamy and romantic because YLK has yet to pay his visit too
    – I loved how the womenfolk looked upon QS as she is still young beautiful and marriend to none as YLK the playboy the womanazier i believe the right expression was ” swarming around her like bees” QS is not even the queen of the bees ladies she is a phoenix even YLS admitted it “wanting to look pitful and if the situation comes to such extences she can comitt arson”
    – We see another aspect why QS didn’t approach YLK maybe because she overthink what people say about their marriage how she married someone beneath her I hope that she can look forward now.


    1. 😘 Haha, that sounds so English: rose garden, tea and pastries. Now I feel like some…
      Are you suggesting he’s going to do something naughty in front of so many people?! 😂😜
      I was just reacting to the scene in my mind’s eye: all those wives buzzing about her. Actually, it’s a good analogy because bees have a sting and these wives are nice and polite on the surface but how many of them really like her? None, I think. They merely respect her status outwardly. If the situation changes and she loses status, they’ll turn nasty and ‘sting’ her with words.
      That’s an interesting point you make. Up until this point, it’s always seemed like she looked down on him because of his character being so far from her ideals and for being a warlord. But she could also be very sensitive about people thinking she married for advantage. It will be interesting to see what happens with Yao Yuping since she’s in a similar situation with her young man now.


  3. Finally some female bonding time 👭. So refreshing after all men talks about killing, shooting, attacking etc. Getting involve in these men tiresome business, QS deserves to get some love from female friend 😃.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi,
    Thanks all for your hard work of translation this wonderful story!

    FYI, some clips straight from episodes of the TV drama can be found online! It looked sooooooo good, I can’t wait for the premiere!

    If you’re interested in the clips, shoot me an e-mail. I don’t want to post it here, in case it get reported and taken down.


    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, ahKid. Are you referring to the trailers on YouTube? Because I’ve seen them if so, but thank you for the kind offer 😊 Yep, hope it will be aired this year.


      1. HI 12, thanks for your hard work!!
        No, they are clips from the actual drama, 6 eps been “leaked” or they were out as spoilers…


    1. You’re too kind, fanzycat!
      Nice to hear that 😉 since I finished cranking out part 2 earlier today… Hope I can polish it in time for tomorrow…


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