Announcements, Perfect Fiancé | 完美未婚夫

Perfect Fiancé Announcement & Update

Announcement/ Translation Update:

Please read this: this explains A LOT of what will be the future of Perfect Fiancé.

If you are unable to spare a few minutes to read this, the last two paragraphs are the most crucial.

Hello everyone, I’m sure that you have noticed some silence this week in regards to Chapter 31 and Perfect Fiancé. There was no chapter release for Wednesday at all. For that, I am deeply sorry, for this abrupt update and being inconstant so far with the translations.

Currently, this is the situation of the translations: among the translation team, there are 2 editors, Thornyan and Ely and also two translators, Minodayz and myself. This translation team is a small one and with the aid that our editor, Thornyan and translator, Minodayz has given us; I’m grateful for ALLLL their help so far. They have been awesome with helping us juggle and keep up with the schedule thus far.

However, as I’m sure most readers have experienced, most stories are likely to be put on hiatus or stopped once translators become busy with real life.

That being said, we are not abandoning this project, please be rest assured.

We do not want this to happen to Perfect Fiancé. Therefore, while the team now whittles down to just myself and Ely alone, we are unable to keep up with the current schedule. That is on me alone since translations take hours that I cannot keep up with along with an increasingly busy month and the end-of-year period.

Also, with some changes in our translator roster with Rebirth, I find myself taking on a bigger role in Rebirth as well. Therefore, with taking on both the translation load of Rebirth on top of Perfect Fiancé, there is the dilemma that we might not be able to give BOTH quality and quantity that we want to offer both groups of readers.

Thus, this is the decision that we have come up with: from here on out, Perfect Fiancé will be released fortnightly (every two weeks) on Sundays until the stockpile in our folders grows bigger. We are currently requesting help from other teams as well, and I will be working hard on my end too. Once our chapter translation speed can match and be maintained with the upload pace, we shall resume our twice a week updates. Our aim as a team is to finish Perfect Fiancé by the end of this year. So, please don’t worry and as the novel lead, I do hope that you will join us till the very end. Thank you. bows We hope to bring more releases to you that you will enjoy~

Note: Chapter 31 will be released on 16th September 2018 (Sunday) to tide you over till the next chapter update.

12 thoughts on “Perfect Fiancé Announcement & Update”

  1. thank you again for all the hardwork MERAKI Team. IRL can really be tough sometimes but I will shamelessly look forward to whenever releases come out 😘 You all translate and interpret novels I would but unable to enjoy in raw/licenced languages so I am deeply grateful no matter what

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your well wishes~ We’re steadily getting the updates more, even though it’s a little late. However, I hope to get my bum bum in gear after toiling through 2 weeks of RL.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, don’t worry about it, we’re happy (and lucky), that you do this at all! You don’t owe anyone anything, just do it when you can, and when you want to. Thanks for all the hard work!

    Liked by 2 people

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