Perfect Fiancé | 完美未婚夫

Update: Perfect Fiancé Chapter 8

Dear readers, this is just a short update about the chapter 8 that was released today. After a check with the next chapter, I realized that the sequence of chapters that were translated and released has been mixed up.

I’m so sorry for the wrong release of Chapter 9 instead of Chapter 8. That is why the chapter release today has been taken out to be published on Wednesday instead. Please be rest assured that I am rectifying this error. Therefore, the translation team will be releasing Chapter 8 and 9 together on Wednesday to make up for this. I apologize for the delay and hope to have your kind understanding for my error! Thank you for your patience! 😀

P.S. For this error, I might be able to make up for it, if time and schedule allow, with an extra chapter in the future, if possible. I can’t make promises but I will talk with the PF (Perfect Fiancé) team! Have a good weekend, everyone!

[Chapter 8]

7 thoughts on “Update: Perfect Fiancé Chapter 8”

        1. Ahaha, alrighty. Here’s a small hint, Lu Xi gets more romantic and the missing chapter, chapter 8 has a few unforgettable lines. As for how these lines or what kind of lines they are pop up, 😉 I’ll live it to your imagination. Chapter 8 is definitely going to be one of my favourites so far.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. I’m all hyped up! I’ll be looking forward to it after killing all my brain cells just to study for my exams. Lemme get diabetes or whatever from this chapter! 😆😆

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the ask and recommendation. I am flattered and I would love to, however, my hands are tied at the moment with 2 pretty active stories that I’m currently working on (PF and Rebirth).

      Also, before I pick up a story, I would need to curate, read and eventually, stock up some chapters before I begin if I decide upon it. This would likely have you waiting for quite a while.

      Instead, I would suggest putting a request on our contact us page if you like and posting on the Novelupdates forum to see if any chinese translator would like to pick it up.

      Don’t worry, this looks like a very cute story, so I hope someone does pick it up so that you can enjoy the releases.😊😊

      Cheers, Iris.

      Liked by 1 person

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