Short Stories

Overturning the World Epilogue

It’s just a short wrap-up to the story. Humor me. Just this once. XD.

Just a quick overview, but as of this post, there is one remaining Jiu Lu Fei Xiang story that has not yet been unlocked! There are also three stories from a different author that remain to be unlocked as well (If you loved Jiu Lu Fei Xiang’s sweet stories, you’ll love this too!)

Participate in the logo event to unlock more short stories!

If 50 people participate in this event, I’ll release another short story.

If 150 people participate in this event, I’ll release two more short stories (including the people from the past milestone)



Together at last… Courtesy of Ibuki Satsuki

The Protector General, Yun Cheng, died.

Qing Shi took a wooden box from underneath the pillow on Yun Cheng’s bed. After careful examination, she found a lightly engraved name on the edge of the box. She thought about it, and then suddenly understood everything. She silently fastened the box and left, throwing the box into the massive fire in the courtyard.

That item was for Yun Cheng.

After the Princess of Qi, Qing Shi died, there was a man who hadn’t lived since. He used his entire life as a sacrifice to her.

Translated by tranzgeek

Edited by Ely

[Previous Chapter] [Index]

22 thoughts on “Overturning the World Epilogue”

    1. I guess it could be considered wuxia? It’s more ancient tho. Wuxia usually has jianghu in it and a higher emphasis on the figher’s code. And hahahahah thanks for humoring me XDDDD

      Liked by 2 people

        1. yeah that’s different from an arranged marriage in a made up country. wuxia is more “fantasy” versus something like this. If you like wuxia tho, you should check out Peach Demon another short story that I translated by the same author lol! Peach Demon is more xianxia but I think you would like it!

          Liked by 1 person

        2. I actually did check out your writing when you first commented haha~ It’s quite stylistic, angsty and poetic! I really really like it.

          I like to translate so I just do it in my spare time haha. I’m glad you like it! I hope you’ll keep supporting meraki too! Talking to you is great ❤ If you ever join our discord, let me know it’s you so that I can talk to you more there haha.

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  1. 😑😑😑😕😕😅😅😭😭😭😵😵😵😬😬😬😡😡😡😘😘😍😍😍💜💜💜😲😲😲😢😢😤😤😥😥😥😩😩😦😦😧😧😨😨😱😱😱😱💔💔😒This is how I feel about you and your novels!!!!!!! OK I feel better now 😙😙😙😘😘😘💜💜💜 cannot wait for more stories and u do such a great job translating really captivating a person’s soul right into the stories. Thank U ✌✌👊👊


    1. I’m glad you really enjoyed this short story and all the real feels! Please rate it on NovelUpdates if you get a chance so that other people will read it too!!


  2. Oh my! It’s like you said. I cried every chapter especially the last chapter. I think Prince Chen is more lucky than Yun Cheng.


      1. At least, Gui Yan can be with Ren Dong even for a short period of time but this short period is full of happiness for her. But Yun Cheng is a whole life time full of regret.


        1. Yea that’s true. I think they both have their own forms of sadness. Since Gui Yan lives forever, the sadness will probably stick with him for the rest of his life, but then again he could be used to that feeling. But since Gui Yan has spent time with Ren Dong, he has more to reminisce on and more to regret. I think it’s sad that Yun Cheng spent his whole life just thinking about one person. Because honestly, even if Yun Cheng did manage to elope with Qing Shi how could we be so sure they would get a happy ending? At least Overturning the World points to a possible happy ending while there’s no way out in Honeysuckle.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. What I meant is Gui Yan followed what Ren Dong wanted. This is not the first time for Gui Yan if we go back to Day Break so he might meet another person and can find another short happiness with her. But for Yun Cheng, he kept thinking to ‘what if he followed her suggestion at that time’ for his whole life.

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