Perfect Fiancé | 完美未婚夫

Perfect Fiancé Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Intoxicated

Wouldn’t a glass of cocktail be nice? 🙂

“Jie, just now, what did brother-in-law say? I had already seen dad’s face darkening then.” Lin Xiyue had drawn Su Jin’s arm close and asked in curiosity.

“Hem.” Thinking back to how her father had just said it would still be a long time before she would get married and how Lu Xi had commented about changing another ring for her after she had graduated- Su Jin coughed lightly as she covered the chuckle that was at the edge of her lips and shook her head, “nothing, you must have mistaken it there.”

“Really?” Lin Xiyue’s limpid eyes blinked while she was still somewhat suspicious.

“I’m sure that you have mistaken it, come, let me introduce you to some friends.” As Su Jin said this, she pulled her over as they walked before some girls who were standing by the side and began to introduce these people to them.

Girls with similar ages, naturally also had many similar conversation topics and after chatting together for a while; Zhou Qian and Wang Zhe who were initially rather reserved had become lively. Availing of this right moment with her engagement, they had Mu Qing and Lin Xiyue to help urge Su Jin to drink some alcohol.

Seeing the multi-coloured specially blended cocktail in her hand, while being rather troubled, Su Jin had frowned.

After all, she had grown up in a rich and powerful family, therefore she had attended to all sorts of dinner parties, as a result, the original host’s liquor tolerance was not too bad. Mm, in her own body, her liquor tolerance was actually quite all right too. She was fine with beer, white and red wines too. Only, it was a pity that she could not drink cocktails and had always had collapsed after drinking one glass. She had no idea why either and she had actually brought this strange quirk along with her after transmigrating over to this world. Now, if she had really gulped down this glass of special concoction, then she would undoubtedly become drunk.

While she was trying to find a reason to excuse herself, she heard a voice from the edge of her ears.

“Xiao Jin.”

Raising her head to look over, a woman in a deep blue sheath dress came into Su Jin’s view.

“Ming Xuan jie.” Standing upright, she had politely nodded towards her.

Since there was no longer a layer of the relationship of her being Su Jin’s future older sister-in-law anymore, then as far as she was concerned, she (Ming Xuan) was merely a person that she had a little more familiarity with.

Seeing her polite yet estranged attitude, Ming Xuan immediately understood as she lightly sighed, “Xiao Jin, the matter about Ah Yue[1] and I……”

[1] Ah Yue here is a nickname for Su Yue, Su Jin’s brother, similar to the diminutive nickname for Su Jin, ‘Xiao Jin.’

“Ming Xuan jie.” Su Jin interrupted her as she continued, “Gege has already told me about this, nobody is to blame for it. It was only having the fate of being star-crossed lovers.”

“He had already told you?” Ming Xuan was stunned and soon after, she relaxed with a nod, “this is fine too. I had come over to thank you.”

“Thank me?” Su Jin had blanked out for a little while.

“With regard to Xiao Kai’s matter.” Ming Xuan nodded with a smile, “to thank you and Mr Lu.”

“You’re welcome, with some luck, we had merely just run into such fortuitous timing.” Hearing this, Su Jin had slightly inclined her head.

“Regardless, for Xiao Kai to be able to be found, this is all thanks to the two of you.” Ming Xuan had resolutely replied as she politely bowed towards Su Jin and left after giving her goodbyes.

Su Jin watched as Ming Xuan’s figure became distant.

That originally short hair had already lengthened to her shoulders and what used to be the unchanged ladies suit had been changed to a deep blue sheath dress. That dress had highlighted her slender and lanky legs, her pale skin- with a pair of deep blue sequin stitched high heels, so with all those brightness and colours, it had made her a beautiful sight to behold.

Ming Xuan jie had truly changed a lot.

As she (Su Jin) sat back down on her seat, she recalled how Lu Xi and Su Yue had once commented about a person’s heart being hard to fathom. Amidst these thoughts, she had shown a somewhat absent-minded expression on her face and without paying attention to the glass stuffed into her hand, she had directly downed more than half of the cocktail.

“Wow!” Several exclamations of surprises resounded around her as Su Jin blinked and immediately reacted. She then lowered her head to look at the wine glass in her hand.

Despite having no more than a third of the multicoloured alcohol in it, one could still see the former traces of it in the glass.

“What I just drank……” Su Jin pointed to the glass in her hand as her phoenix eyes swept a look around the girls that had surrounded her in a small circle.

Lin Xiyue, Mu Qing, Zhou Qian, Wang Zhe.

As the four people merely stared at her, in a unanimous action, they had nodded with some admiration and surprise in their gazes.

“Such good alcohol tolerance.” Mu Qing had choked, “previously, during the end-of-film feast, Director Lu had mentioned that he was driving so he wouldn’t drink. So, you had helped him with several glasses. At the time, I had already felt that you had a good liquor tolerance, yet I had never thought that it would be this good that you would have downed more than half of this specially blended strong cocktail without even taking a breath.”

“Specially blended…… Strong?” Unconsciously, Su Jin’s long eyebrows had arched.

“Cough, that, Xiao Jin,” Zhou Qian had lightly coughed as she continued, “we had never thought of having you drink this……”


Hovering on the brink of tears, Su Jin blinked her phoenix eyes and felt that her consciousness was gradually getting hazy. Finally, she fell towards Lin Xiyue and had leaned against her shoulder.

“Jie?” As she noticed Su Jin falling down, Lin Xiyue had worriedly supported her and made a careful survey once more; noticing that she had closed her eyes and her slightly flushed complexion.

“Is she drunk then?” Somewhat dumbstruck, Lin Xiyue blinked as she lifted her gaze towards the other three people.

The four people exchanged gazes and from their eyes, they could all see similar faces of bewilderment.

Judging based on Su Jin’s alcohol tolerance, it was irrational that Su Jin would have fallen after just one glass! Moreover, this was merely half a glass too.

“What has happened here?”

As those present had looked at each other in varying gazes of dismay, Lu Xi’s voice had resounded over.

“Brother in law!” Lin Xiyue’s eyes shone as she raised her head to look at Lu Xi, who was already walking over to them, and spoke: “That…… Jiejie seems to be…… Drunk?”

“Drunk?” Lu Xi was somewhat startled too, he had only been dragged by Uncle Su to get to know a group of people and judging based on her tolerance level, how did this little lady become this drunk?

As if she had heard his voice, Su Jin, who peered at him through half-opened eyes while leaning against Lin Xiyue’s shoulder, reached a hand out to Lu Xi.

“Lu Xi……” Half a mumbled yell, she had called out to him.

Seeing how Su Jin had beckoned him over, Lu Xi hurriedly brought the person into his arms. Supporting the gentle and soft young lady, he had her leaning against him as he steadied her and stood firm.

“Oh……” Su Jin had squinted a little with her phoenix eyes while one hand of hers was wrapped around Lu Xi’s lean waist and the other hand had pointed towards the girls around them, “this is Zhou Qian, this is Wang Zhe. That, that is Mu Qing, which you are familiar with and that,” as she said this, she pointed to the girl beside her, “Xiyue, my younger sister.”

“I know.” Somewhat amused, Lu Xi had looked at the girl point them out one by one. It was actually rare that she had become this drunk yet did not even mix their names up either.

“I recognise them.” He then reached a hand out to tuck a tress of her hair behind her ears with a light smile on his face. Helplessly, he sighed, “what did you drink to actually have become like this.”

“They……” Su Jin then leant her head against his shoulder as she pointed to those four girls before her again. Raising her face to look at the man who was looking at her, she continued, “they had poured some for me to drink!”

This sentence was spoken clearly.


The four girls had looked at Su Jin in a dumbstruck manner as she had been speaking a tone like that of a child who had returned home to report to her parents after losing a fight. In their minds, the same thought had surfaced, “so, this young lady hadn’t been introducing her close friends to her fiance but rather, had decided to settle some scores by telling on them or complaining instead?”

“Poured something for you to drink?” Lu Xi raised an eyebrow as he looked towards the four people.

“Director Lu, we only gave her one glass!” Feeling Lu Xi’s gaze on them, Mu Qing, who had a profound understanding of Director Lu’s overly feverish tendencies to protect his wife, hastily spoke up to refute.

“One glass?” Lu Xi was somewhat unconvinced, “then this should not have happened.”

“I had thought so too,” Mu Qing could only helplessly shrug as she pointed to the wine glass on the table, “to be accurate, it was a little more than half a glass.

Following to where she had pointed, in that clear glass, under the lights, the remaining dregs of the half-emptied cocktail glass was glistening and dazzling.

“A cocktail?” In an instant, Lu Xi understood and grudgingly waved his hand, “next time, don’t let her drink this anymore.”

“I will send her upstairs first, Xiyue please do tell Uncle Su about this.”

“Oh, alright.” Xiyue reacted and nodded in reply.

Seeing her reply, Lu Xi bent down slightly as he swiftly carried the girl that was twisting and turning against his body in a princess carry. He then turned around and walked towards the stairs that were close by.

“Ahem.” After that pair’s figures had long since vanished from their sight, then, someone had lightly coughed and broke the silence.

“What say you…… Won’t Professor Lu…… Eat or…… Be eaten?” Wang Zhe had adjusted her glasses as she spoke of this exuberantly.


The other three people were somewhat surprised but as their thoughts churned in their heads, they had all reached a mutual understanding as they laughed.

“Who knows, maybe……”

“A man and a woman alone together, sparks will light a flint.”

“Under the influence of alcohol…..”

At this very moment whilst in the room on the second floor, the drunk Su Jin currently had her arms wrapped around Lu Xi’s neck as she had pulled the person down with her.

As those phoenix eyes met with those peach blossom eyes, their noses rubbed against each other.

A solid chest had gently and cautiously pressed against the soft body.

With a slight squeeze of his eyes, he took a deep breath. Initially, he had wanted to calm his restless body a little, yet he had not expected that the sweet scent of the girl before him would linger at his nose; adding fuel to the fire whilst his body was still heating up passionately.

“Lu Xi……” Su Jin’s eyes had opened completely as one could see her phoenix eyes misting over as it glimmered and sparkled. That slightly cold, little hand of hers had startled to dip into his dress shirt.

The burning flame of passion within him had ceased as he grew startled from the sudden chill. In the next second, as he was absorbed in by that tender touch, it had become even more vigorous.

“Su Jin!” In the comfortable temperature of the air-conditioned room, there were faint trails of sweat that had appeared at Lu Xi’s forehead. In the depths of those alluring phoenix eyes, it had slightly reddened as he called out the name of the person beneath him with clenched teeth.

“Mm—” Hearing this, Su Jin had raised her gaze and looked at him.

Her affirming response had been drawn out and thanks to imbibing that drink, that voice of hers that was originally melodious had become somewhat hoarse and even more indolent. The last note of her reply had been slightly heightened and seemed particularly stirring.

“You……” He was still trying to think of something to say as he was caught off guard by a pair of jade-like arms that had directly hauled him down.

As lips met with warm petals of lips, at that one touch, it had parted immediately. That small and exquisite tongue had probed out and lightly swept against his lips.

Lu Xi was stunned blank for a second.

Soon after, switching from passivity into fervent activity, he had firmly kissed for what resembled an extremely long time and he traced those red lips, his tongue swept through those teeth and lured out that sweet tongue of hers into a mutual dance.

For a moment, what could be heard in that spacious room was the faint exchange of liquid.

Brushing over her waistline, that large hand had slid up to that softness at the girl’s chest and yet, just as it was about to touch, it had abruptly paused.

Half-pressing his body onto the girl’s Lu Xi had leaned his head against her neck as he resolutely took a deep breath. At this, only then did he supported his body as he sat upright.

Opening her eyes to look at him, Su Jin’s eyes were somewhat glazed over as the expression of her face was filled with innocence and pure, unadulterated tenderness.

It was unsure if she was somewhat warm, she stuck out her tongue as she licked her lips.

“Little seductress.” Lu Xi could not help but lower his head to kiss those dark red petals before him as he immediately pulled himself free from the girl’s arms and stood up.

“The timing isn’t right and the place isn’t either.” Somewhat vexed, he had let out a deep sigh and pulled out a side of the quilt to cover over Su Jin’s body.

“Young lady, listen carefully.” Before he left, he had bent down as he bit onto her flushed red earlobe and spoke in a low and husky voice.

“If there is a next time, I definitely would not let you off.”

© MerakiTranslations This translation belongs to If you are not reading this from then, this has been posted without the consent of the translator. This work belongs to the author, 风断青衣渡 and the original publisher, jjwxc.

Translated by Irisu

Edited by Tokyo

Spicy, oh gosh~ >\\<

Here are thoughts from Minodayz about Perfect Fiancé: Hiya, it’s Minodayz, the ‘fly by night’, ad hoc busybody translator lurking about like a restless soul dipping my fingers into pies that aren’t quite mine and such is my relationship with PF. I’ve not read it in raw nor translated but the few parts, that my fingers dabbled, had been fun. Sujin and Luxi seem like fun characters, while peach and phoenix eyes have been a real test of patience ψ(._.)>, however, nothing beats the pleasure I get from hanging out with this awesome PF translating team on their journey and what an achievement to get to rush to the finish with them! Hope you’ve enjoyed the novel as much as we did working on it!
Mwah (* ̄3 ̄)╭♡

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