Announcements, The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort | 重生之嫡女祸妃

Thinking of you with love!

Dear Readers, we would like to thank you all for your patience and understading. We are releasing the extra chapter today. Our Rebirth team has been going through a difficult time lately and that is the reason why we couldn’t release last week’s chapter. With a heavy heart we are sharing this news that one of our translators recently lost a close family member. Our rebirth family is keeping her family in our thoughts and prayers. The team had decided to do a post silence in respect.

I was supposed to post this note last thursday but tragedy struck again and i too lost one of my oldest friends in the most unexpected way. We are trying our best to navigate through this difficult phase of life. May the passage of time heal our grief. I read this recently and this brought me some solace, i hope this brings comfort to our dear translator. 


5 thoughts on “Thinking of you with love!”

  1. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your teammate and her family at this difficult time. Even though we cannot take away her grief and pain, may our care and goodwill serve as balm and comfort to her. Thank you for sharing this news with us and we wish all your team members all the blessings in the world.


  2. My dears
    I feel you and know exactly how much you think of those you lost but feel the frustration of being two worlds apart
    I just lost my mum recently and can’t cope with this yet
    This arena was one of the ways that helped me to go on
    So God bless you all and May Almighty grant you with his strength

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for posting even though you’re going through something so tragic. I hope you are both supported through these hard times and I want you to know that you are not alone in this. I am very grateful for the work you’ve done and just want you to know that these translations bring a lot of joy to me personally. Thank you again!


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