Announcements, Reviews, Under the Dawn Redwood

New Under the Dawn Redwood & Roll that Review Update… again

Hello everyone! Sorry that in just a short time there are two updates in a row about the current and upcoming hiatus! Please read below for my explanation!

Update under the cut


Hello Everyone, TokyoRoll here!

You might remember in March I had a sudden Hiatus which was a family emergency. I didn’t want to disclose what it was at the time but I will today so I can explain my longer Hiatus. First, however, I will apologize for the lack of chapters this week as I was planning on releasing 2 chapters on Thursday and Friday, with one chapter on Saturday in order to make up for the 1.5 week break I have taken. That won’t happen this week and I am unsure of when I will put out the 5 owed chapters, thus I will increase it to 10 extra chapters at a later date.

Back in March, my maternal grandfather had passed away in his home. He was not alone and he managed to pass with a loved one close to him, but regardless it was a very sad affair for us. The reason I had taken time off was to help take care of my home while my family helped sort out his funeral home arrangements for the service and take care of his house he’d owned for many years.

The hiatus I had this 1.5 weeks was because my mother was getting married to her longtime boyfriend, while also spending time with my sister who was visiting for my grandfather’s funeral. My mother is happily married since June 24th 2019.

Unfortunately, our Doberman Pinscher of almost 11 years had collapsed yesterday and just this morning (the 25th of June), we were informed of his late stage cancer. He is a dog that we love very much, even if we get frustrated with him, and I just want some time to adjust since he’s always been very energetic and has always stuck his nose in our business. As I love my animals more than I cherish my relationships with other people it’s very upsetting.

My hiatus coming next month, around July 18th 2019 – July 22 2019, is for the family to get together and bury my grandfather with my maternal grandmother who had passed before my grandfather.

I will do my best to return to Roll that Review and Under the Dawn Redwood when I can organize my thoughts.


Thank you for reading this far, and also for your continued support of Meraki, whether you read Under the Dawn Redwood, Roll that Review or any of our other lovely works.


With love,


2 thoughts on “New Under the Dawn Redwood & Roll that Review Update… again”

  1. Deary, condolences, congrats to your momma, and sympathy/condolences again.

    Take care of you and yours with gratitude for your lively posts and generosity sharing Asian content/culture for English-reading folks


    1. Thank you very much for your concern and well wishes! I think I’m going to wait until all of the family stuff is settled with and then I’ll do my best to bring forth more content! (•́⌄•́๑)૭✧ I’ll let my mom know that you want to congratulate her on her marriage~

      I’ll try and do two weeks of 10 chapters/week of UtDR, and get some roll that reviews out as well~

      Liked by 2 people

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