Announcements, Special Event!

[ENDED] Meraki Trivia Short Stories Event

Meraki Trivia!

Woohooo the Roulette event is now over. I think we all need a brain break, so because I already promised you guys some chapters, we’re going to play a trivia game! (I was honestly going to post something harder than this event originally but then that wouldn’t be a great brain break, would it? Lol see I’m niceee)

Please do not state answers in comments so that this is fair for everyone.


1/3 correct answer = 1 part of In My Lifetime, I will only Gamble on You
2/3 correct answers = 1 part of Young Miss and the above reward
All correct answers = 1 part of Young Miss and the above rewards
100 people participate=1 part of Hugging You and whatever other rewards were unlocked.

These reward choices were chosen by celticflower who found the hidden hint in the Roulette event and Luudy who found a hint that I hadn’t thought about lol. The participation award is of my own accord because Hugging You seems to be rather neglected right now which is pretty sad.

Good luck!

Event ends next week on June 2nd EST!

(If you think you got all the answers right, leave your name below so that after the results are out, geeky may give you some special roles on discord and shoutouts in my next post hehehe)

*Just a note but you must be signed into Google to take this quiz because I don’t want people to take this quiz multiple times. The emails will definitely not be collected, so please rest assured.

Edit as of May 26th: Wow…I thought the questions were easy and the majority is all wronggggggg except for one question so good job on that one lol. There are two questions that literally no one has even answered correctly yet…not exactly sure how I can give you guys hints but if you’ve come to this event later than everyone else and haven’t answered the questions yet, you can comment below with some queries~

Take quiz~

2 thoughts on “[ENDED] Meraki Trivia Short Stories Event”

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